Caught on the Streets of Monterrey

Caught on the Streets of Monterrey
Watching...always Watching!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Appreciating Things He's Always Had and Letting us Know

No email this week just a quick response to my email. Which I will include it will explain his response. He is doing so great and knows his time is drawing near to moving areas as he had been in this area for almost 4 months. He loves it and will be sad but knows it's all part of the experience. Here you go. Enjoy...

Hello Pal!  Do they even celebrate it there?  Today we were green, but that's about as good as it get's here.  Nothing else.  Do you remember when you were younger and I made green eggs for breakfast?  Thinking I was being such a great and clever mom and you boys thought they looked so disgusting and wouldn't eat them.  Funny, the things you do, right?

Well, how's your week been.  This week was a great week here.  It was a no dr. week at work and so it was a catch up on for me.  Eileen went to St. George so I was filling in for her so it was a busy one.  Seems like I always have things to do which I can't complain.  It was also the dental convention downtown so I went to that on Friday, that was a long day.  We had to recertify for the radiology so we can take x-rays.  We sit in a class and learn about taking them and then take a test.  There are 25 questions only 2 of the questions have to do to with us. But, we all passed.  I got a 96% so that's great. It's an easy open note test. Ha ha.  I get to keep my job.  Last night dad and I went to dinner with Mike and Melanie to Texas Roadhouse and showed Mike the picture of your T-Bone, they both were quite impressed.  Needless to say, I had my usual porkchop.  That place doesn't disappoint.

Today, FSOY we had President and Sister Collins come and discuss about missions and going/preparing for going on one.  It was so good.  I couldn't help but think about how prepared you were as I listened to them both.  President Collins talked about how he could always tell the ready and prepared missionaries as they stepped off the plane.  The ones who held back, and didn't look him in the eye, or "gamers" he called them.  He told the a particular example of an elder who was just struggling and brought him in to talk to him about what was wrong and the elder broke down and explained how he had couldn't get the images of the 1000's of people he had killed in cyberspace.  Even though he knew it wasn't real it felt real to him then.  I told dad I was so glad that we had stuck to our desire of not allowing those types of games in our home and although it was a battle more than once, it never hurt you boys to not have them here, in fact as you can now attest, it helped you so much.  This young elder sobbed in President Collins office and told Sister Collins how many times the spirit would leave him as he would get an image in his mind from those games.  I hope you know how much your dad and I always tried to listen to the spirit and do the best we could and just do what we felt was right.  And now we can see that this is exactly what was best.  We were equally glad Caleb was there to hear that.

We also talked about today one year ago we headed out to the airport to see Bridger return from his mission.  Can you believe it's been one year?  Crazy right!?!  I posted a picture on Instagram for him I'll send you, it seriously was the best hug I've ever received.  I still think a piece of his heart stayed in Honduras however...

How's the teaching coming along?  I continue to pray for those sweet people to see the light in your & Elder Gomez' eyes and want what you have.  They will, just have patience.  Today I was reading in 1 Nephi where he breaks his bow.  It's funny how much patience Nephi has and yet he keeps moving along.  He never gives up and that is how we have to be.  Trick is we can't murmur.  That is the true test.

Well, I hope you have a wonderful week.  It's been a little chilly today, but the sun is shining and I'm not complaining.  I had my sunroof open yesterday, the heater was at full capacity, but it was a wonderful feeling...perhaps Spring is here, maybe.

Love you so much pal.  I'm so proud of you and all that you are doing.  You're becoming the man that will help you succeed for the rest of your life.  Be safe, and as always obedient. 

Love and miss you,


Hello mom! That is sweet you area xray certified! Wow I am gratful for you and dad and your work ethic and all that I have. people work soo hard here and still dont make ends meet. It is important to thank the Lord for all that we have. It is known in Monterrey for its working people and never resting! Thanks for always praying for me and my companion. you have never been selfish, and that is very admirable. you have always put us first. Just like Nefi, I always keep going. There are hard moments in the mission, but I always keep going. The mission president sent my a letter and told me thanks for the work I have done in Mitras. Its a really difficult area with little support from the ward. but  I have made it better than I found it. He shared a scripture with me, D &C 64:33- Great things proccedeth small things. Sp true, I have been blessed with patience, and I love being here in Mitras to help this ward. I think I am in these hard wards to help me realize what I had for 19 years in my life. Amazing wards with so much support. but, its all good! Love you so much mom! 

Elder Clayton 

 At the Monterrey Temple, it's beautiful there.
 With Elder Gomez, he loves this companion.

 With his companion and a family they are teaching
 With his zone at the temple
 Bandera de Mexico y Gomez, Medrano de Bolivia y yo! He used to live with us, way cool Elder 

On Monday, I had the spirit whisper to my heart that you would be going to the temple that day.  Sometimes I wait all day and then am so disappointed knowing that it must have been your temple day.  I was so grateful for the whisperings of the spirit so that I was not disappointed.  And just now I was busy working and then my phone went off with a text saying you were on.  Oh how excited I was to see that you were on.  I love you so much pal, so glad you are doing so well and look extremely happy.  We are being watched over and blessed for your obedience and service.  Thank you so much.  I continue to pray for you daily.  Keep the faith, and as you can see, your efforts are paying off.

Love you, MOM

I always forget to tell you guys. We are always informed ahead of time, but I forgot this last week! --

I was able to chat with him back and forth quite a bit.  He asked me to talk with Marc who is married to Brittney where he served on his mission.  It was fun as I went back and forth and sent Spanish sayings to him and Marc.  It was almost like being right there.  He is doing so great and as you can see in the pictures he looks awesome and is looking more and more Latino all the time.  Which, he always thought he was..ha-ha.

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