Caught on the Streets of Monterrey

Caught on the Streets of Monterrey
Watching...always Watching!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Week of Miracles and Fun at the Park

 Hello Clayton familia! This week was excellent, just like last week, today we had our zone activity we went to chipinque and cooked hamburgers and just kind of hung out, it was a good time and everyone loved it. We had 5 investigators in the church yesterday! Joel will be baptized this next Sunday, the ward is rising up, we are happy to be here, and it really is a great ward. We have lots of help from the members, and they see that we are working, so they are willing to help us out in many ways. I love it here, and there are many many people to teach! The zone is doing well, I will soon have 6 months as zone leader, changes are in 2 weeks, I really don't know if I will stay or go and train, or what, but whatever comes, I am happy! I will miss and not miss parts about being zone leader, its fun, but sometimes the responsibility of the zone gets to you. Its a good zone, so I don't have many worries. but I like it overall. I cant believe that I have less than 100 days, That is just too crazy for me to believe, Elder Reyna and I are working hard too find new people, and work with our investigators to progress even more so that they can be baptized. In this change, I had the goal to fast more often, and I can honestly say that I have seen miracles because we have fasted with faith. When we got here, the other zone leaders before us didnt leave us anything, so we started from nothing. but from hard work, and faith we have been blessed. Like in my last email the abuela coming from Bolivia so that her grand kids could be baptized is a miracle. They are all excited to be baptized and we are working with members a lot so they can stay active and can grow in the church. I am thankful to be here, and thankful for the Book of Mormon, I am now in Helaman,l I know this Book is true, it has helped me have the faith to find these people and I am blessed to be here. love you all! My condolences to Tori and her family, I love them and to Bridger as well!! les amo! Saludos de San Nicolas de los Garza

Elder Clayton
hey! this is my convert! Samuel, they are going to have a baby! cool huh?

Thankful for the Book of Mormon

This week is full of miracles and fun.  I love watching how much he has grown and all the blessings he is seeing come to be through his obedience and sacrifice.  For this we have all been blessed, too.  Enjoy...

Hello Clayton familia! This week was excellent, just like last week, today we had our zone activity, we went to chipinque and cooked hamburgers and just kind of hung out, it was a good time and everyone loved it. We had 5 investigators in the church yesterday! Joel will be baptized this next Sunday, the ward is rising up, we are happy to be here, and it really is a great ward. We have lots of help from the members, and they see that we are working, so they are willing to help us out in many ways. I love it here, and there are many many people to teach! The zone is doing well, I will soon have 6 months as zone leader, changes are in 2 weeks, I really don't know if I will stay or go and train, or what, but whatever comes, I am happy! I will miss and not miss parts about being zone leader, its fun, but sometimes the responsibility of the zone gets to you. Its a good zone, so I don't have many worries. but I like it overall. I cant believe that I have less than 100 days, That is just too crazy for me to believe, Elder Reyna and I are working hard too find new people, and work with our investigators to progress even more so that they can be baptized. In this change, I had the goal to fast more often, and I can honestly say that I have seen miracles because we have fasted with faith. When we got here, the other zone leaders before us didnt leave us anything, so we started from nothing. but from hard work, and faith we have been blessed. Like in my last email the abuela coming from Bolivia so that her grand kids could be baptized is a miracle. They are all excited to be baptized and we are working with members a lot so they can stay active and can grow in the church. I am thankful to be here, and thankful for the Book of Mormon, I am now in Helaman,l I know this Book is true, it has helped me have the faith to find these people and I am blessed to be here. love you all! My condolences to Tori and her family, I love them and to Bridger as well!! les amo! Saludos de San Nicolas de los Garza

Elder Clayton

I finally went to Chipenque!!! Its a super cool park in San Pedro in the mountains, it was our zone activity and this is what we did, and we cooked hamburgers! 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Best Week Ever, & Birthday Celebrations

As we didn't hear from him on Monday due to them going to the temple.  It made this email so much fun to see how they celebrated his 21st b-day.  As you will see it he says it was one of the best weeks of his mission.  So fun to see all the pictures and read of how much they all love him.  I'm not surprised...

Hello family!! Well this week was one of the best weeks I have had in my mission. I know I always say that, but things always get better. Well let me start off by saying I had a great birthday and one that I wont ever forget! So last week, we did divisions with one of our district leaders, and I went to a small city called Hidalgo, Nuevo Leon. Its super small, and I had a good time up there, then we returned to have interviews the next day with President Swapp, that went well and he was really happy how Elder Reyna and I have changed things around in the ward and the zone here. There really is a change, the bishop is happier and all of the members love us. On Sunday we had 4 investigators!! Joel, came, who is super cool. About 7 months ago, he had part of his hand ran over by a train! And he yelled out to God to help him, and if God helped him, he promised to be a good person and find a church. Well he was a reference and members had told the missionaries earlier to visit him, but he couldn't go to church at that time, but now he can and he loves it. He has been prepared to receive us and is excited about baptism! We had Kevin come, who is 12 years old and we are teaching him and his grandma, who both were references from members, Kevin is super cool and came in a suit!! And wants to be a missionary in the future. Now for the miracle, two jovencitas, or teenagers showed up with their grandma from Boliva. Well the grandma is from Bolivia, one of the girls was born in Los Angles and the other in Bolivia, but the grandma has been a member for over 40 years, but her granddaughters aren't baptized! We met them Sunday when they came to church and it is truly a blessing. Seriously they came out of nowhere, they live in our area, but how funny right as we get here, all these people have been prepared. I was talking to my companion, and we have never had so many signs to us telling us that we were meant to be here. Its pretty interesting. So we were both happy that we had 4 in church, but we are working for more and we are extremely grateful to work with members, they are good to us and we are helping them build their ward. Oh also on Sunday, two sisters from Huasteca, my last area came and kidnapped us!! They wanted to take us out to dinner, yeah on Sunday, that happens a lot. It turns out, the person who wanted to give us dinner on Sunday was friends with one of the sisters, so it worked out and took the 4 of us out! On my birthday, I woke up to my companion and a cake made out of Negritos, or Nitos its a Mexican pastry that is super good, then about 30 minutes later the sisters knocked on the door and they made me a brownie cake!! They are really nice hermananas, then we went to the district meeting and the whole zone bought a cake, and the tradition here is that they sing to you, then they make you take a bite of the cake and there is always someone behind you and smashes your head into the cake! Haha but it was a good time. I had a really good birthday, my companion is an excellent comp and really took care of me. He has a good spirit and we get along. Honestly, I have been blessed with such good companions. Now, today, we went to the temple and I really enjoyed it,  we traveled by metro and bus as a zone, and we talked and sang the whole time haha. We all get along, and its a good time. We went with another zone and Elder Jacobsen from North Salt Lake was there, so it was fun to see him again and talk to him, he will be on the same plane I think home. After the temple we went to Costco!!! There is an Elder in our zone who has a Costco card, so the whole zone went to Costco! Just like always it was a great time, we roamed around for a little bit, ate samples then we ate food. I ate a Costco dog and churro. The last time I was in Costco was about 21 months ago! But it brought me back many memories haha. All the Americans bought peanut butter and muffins. So it was an excellent week! Thanks for the birthday wishes, I cant believe I am 21 but esta bien. Love you all! Hope Caleb and mom gets better! 

Elder Clayton

 The sisters kidnapped him early in the morning and made him brownies

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Stetson with Stetsons & Las Puentas

I was so excited to hear from him this week, no surprise.  And you'll see he got his birthday package, and the other Christmas package.  I really do know prayers are heard and answered.  I pray for those darn things every time they leave Bountiful.  He once again is so happy in his new area and fitting right in.  He got lots of mail this week.  My hope is he saved the cupcakes and candles for his actual b-day, but if not, that's ok.  Love him so much.
hello mom!! Just wanted to let you know I got both of my packages!!! We went Friday for a meeting and one was there, and we were about to leave and they told me I had another one that just arrived with the guard!! It got here in 9 days. thank you so much!!! I am so grateful for you all. The peanut butter and all the rest was well received! oh and next week we will be going to the temple, on the 11th. The Book of Mormon is so good. I carry it in my hand all day as we walk around.
 Hola Family! Well this week went by super fast! We fasted 3 times this week and we really saw miracles. One miracle that occurred was super cool. There is a Hermana here that is a recent convert and we are trying to meet her husband, we had gone about 3 times and here husband still hadn't come home from work. So as we were fasting, we left the house and we were walking and just out of the blue, a guy walked past us and my companion stopped dead in his tracks and had like a confused look on his face, like he was going to talk to the guy but he didn't, so I turn around and talk to the guy who had just walked past us, and it turns out it was the husband of the hermana who we were wanting to meet!! We had been walking for about 5 minutes and it was amazing how the Lord put us in the way of this guy. Just like that. The miracles are so clear to see. Also, we met a Joel, who had an accident about 7 months ago where a train ran over part of his hand! He is very humble and he came to church Sunday! We were super grateful to have him with us and we are excited for him to progress. Elder Reyna, my companion is doing wonderful and we are having a good time here in the zone of Anahuac. Thank you for the packages! I got them both and my birthday package came in 9 days! It was super fast, and I was there as it arrived. I am thankful for you all, love you all and thanks for the support. I also got a letter from Grandma and Grandpa Burningham and from the Orchard 5th ward from the Christmas dinner, thanks!! love you all!

Elder Clayton

this is the bishop of my comp, the bishops wife is from here and he is from Chiapas, and his wife grew up in the ward that we are in right now. crazy no?

 Tacos with the sisters in the morning

Sunday, February 1, 2015

New Area, New Comp, and Spotted by Google...again! (plus lost a shoe, & His Retainer(s))

He lost both his retainer, all his toiletries and one shoe(?). He asked me to pray for it. Will do. I pray every time I send a package. All answered except one Christmas package still not there.

Hola Family! Wow what a crazy week. So I am in a new area here with Elder Reyna de Chiapas, Mexico. He is an excellent Elder, and I have known him for a long time in the mission, and have a deep respect for him, becuase he is a very respected Elder. so we are in Las Puentes, and we are two new Zone Leaders here, they took out the 2, and put is in here, so we know nothing about the area neither the zone! but we are more than excited to work and to get to know our area and work with the zone. Oh really quick!! We had to take two taxis from where we met up to get to our house, and I left a small backback in the taxi!! I put a bunch of things, but in short I lost ONE nike shoe, the other one was in another bag, becuase we only have limited time to pack, I lost my retainer, my Rainbow flip flops from Niel and Nancy, 2 missionary gaffetes, all of my razors, shampoo and all that! but its all good, so I took some money out, to buy some things, I was kind of mad about it, but I cant do anything! so this week we just started working and it was really hard actually, but we have found members from lists and other means, and they are giving us soo many references. I have never seen so many members willing to work. The funny thing is, I have heard of this ward before, and I heard that it was hard, and stuff like that, but my comp and I have come to know is that its an excellent ward. also the zone is a little hard, because we have 2 branches that have very little assistance. but we are excited to know the zone and help everyone to work. On Wednesday we were walking in the street, and I saw 2 rocking chairs, and I guys back to us, and these chairs I had seen before. The type of chair was made in one of my areas, in Mitras, and I knew they guy that I had just walked by, so I stopped to talk to him, and he was actually a friend of Jose Maria, remember the old man in Mitras?? I asked how he was doing, and he told me that he had passed away in December, that made me a little sad to hear, but I know he is in a better place. he lived a pretty hard place, but I know he is okay. Its small little things that make me realize that I am in the right place at the right time. Now as I am talking to mom, we met a family yesterday where we ate after church, this is how small the world is. There is a Hermana here in this ward that lived in North Salt Lake, worked at Lorenas and we have friends in common, then she started talking to my companion, and he is from Chiapas, turns out, when he was inactive, the sister, of this hermana reactivated Elder Reyna when she was serving there as a missionary, and here where are at her table eating la comida with her!! Such a small world. Its a funny thing, but I am super excited to find new people this week with Elder Reyna, just like Elder Brown, there is never a dull moment, and he says that I am more Mexican than him haha. Love you all!!
Elder Clayton
He asked me if I knew the Stoker Family.  Just so happens the daughter, Michelle lives in our ward and I adore her.  I wrote back telling him that and he replies with this:
wow!! what a small world, because I got moved to a new ward and a lady named Esmeralda Ruiz lived with them for 5 years!! and worked at Lorenas!!! haha Tell her that I live in her ward, I have found so many connections in my mission its so crazy., we ate in her house yesterday and she asked where I was from and I always say Utah, and then she was like oh what part, and I usually say Bountiful but then she was like, Bountiful or North Salt Lake, and then we made the connection. Tell Michelle that I met Esmeralda! Where does Michelle live?? ah ok, I cant remember what she looks like really well, but I remember Judsen, wow, well yeah text her right now, and see what she says! Its such a small world, its funny she worked at Lorenas, in fact, she knew Claudio!!! :) she only worked there for a semester, but still. what are the chances. haha okay! wow! that is such a small world,. I also wrote in my big letter, it turns out that her sister was a missionary in chiapas that reactivated my comp that I have right now!!
I am so mad I lost one shoe! I would have just rather lost them both, I also lost my retaniner, but I was wearing it every night, I think I will be fine. I had them both in a little container that had everything in it! I lost all of my bathroom supplies, toothbrush. I had a sweet one, crest 3d, all of that  but its all good. I gotta go, but I love you so much! Tell Michelle, that it is a small world, and that Esmeralda talks very highly about the Stoker Family

This is my new companion, Elder Reyna. 
I have a ton to tell you all!! New Zone, 2 New Zone leaders! 

 I went on divisions with Elder Mora, from Chile, 
and we had a ward activity and we lit Chinese lanterns. pretty fun!
 Spotted by Google again. And his new comp!!!